Casa Mureșenilor
25 The Council Square, Brașov

The Mureșianu Archive is one of the richest and most important family archives. Running the ‘Transylvanian Gazette’ for more than half a century, the Mureșianu family corresponded with all the political leaders of their time, both in Transylvania and in the other provinces inhabited by Romanians. In addition to the political correspondence, the Mureșianu Archive contains numerous manuscripts belonging to family members and to the correspondents of the newspapers they edited, thus increasing its cultural value.
Also noteworthy are the documents related to the history of the Romanian National Anthem, "Deșteaptă-te, Române" (Awaken thee, Romanian!), a creation of the immortal Andrei Mureșanu.
The Museum “Casa Mureșenilor” is moving towards becoming a complex of memorial houses dedicated to the memory of great Brașov personalities. On the 24th of June 2006 the “Ștefan Baciu” House was opened, donated by Dr. Ovidiu Mărgineanu.